How to correctly care for the facial skin of women after the age of 50

Proper skin care – save the collateral of his youth. The full 50 years, begins to perceive like a woman or vice versa surrounding a mature lady, like a grandma. Care how mature skin care using home remedies — sharing our article.

Where's the wrinkles?

50 Skin Care

Facial wrinkles, women at different ages may appear. 25. then, harmful habits, 35 – slowdown due to the body's metabolic processes, 50 – Wrinkle results menopause:

  • The estrogen levels in a woman's body begins to decrease after the age of 45;
  • decreases fat under the skin layer of the fiber;
  • elastin and collagen are produced every day less;
  • skin starts sagging and wrinkles appear skeletal and service;
  • replaces face-silhouette – term, the outer edge of the cheek, Nov, visible folds on the upper lip, wrinkles around the eyes deeper.

Obtained above, and this process is irreversible, but to slow it down to be able to run everything else, attention, status, skin after 40-50 years.

Maintenance of the properties

The selection should be handled carefully especially the means to care for.

  • Purification can be done, just a soft method based on natural oils: almond, walnut, etc.
  • Toning tools should not contain alcohol.
  • Creams should be appropriate to the age, i.e., in a moisturizing cream normal is useless.
  • Forget about skin care neck and décolleté, perfect facial skin, because she can even give your real age.
  • With Cream, Skin, Face components that must be present, vitamin C, K, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, fatty acids.
  • A nourishing mask should be applied at least once a week. This mixture may be prepared yourself and shopping discount.

Maintenance for regional recipes

It is considered the most effective skin care masks of natural products:

  1. Banana mask. Mash half a ripe banana with fork, spoon add cream. Apply it on your face and is 20 minutes away.
  2. Honey milk mask. Spoon the yogurt (without serum) and mix with a spoon of honey. The mask is very liquid, you can add starch flour or normal output.
  3. Abrikosova masks. Mash ripe apricots a lot of dough with a fork, add half a teaspoonful of grape seed oil and rice flour. Durable mask for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Mask with cucumber. Grate the cucumber, mix the raw egg yolks. Sliced fresh cucumbers and apply it on your face cover the skin around the eyes.
  5. The mask of aloe juice. Small fluffy rye bread crumbs add pure aloe vera juice for bold grain, and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Pharmacy fruit juice ready to buy, but even better is to cook it yourself. A small shrub in a pot to do this to get aloe. Leaf two of water to cook the middle just peel and mash with a fork.
  6. A gelatinous mask. Fork mash very ripe peaches peel before removing half the dough. Add a teaspoon of gelatine, a few drops of peach oil. Wash your face with the obtained mixture to give freeze.

The skin around the eye is particularly sensitive and delicate and require special care. Components for masks, skin of the eyelids must be absolutely fresh and natural:

  • the mask of a young potato. Grate a small raw potato tuber, add a teaspoon of the cream;
  • herbal mask. A teaspoon of chamomile, sage and nettle pour boiling water over and let stand for five minutes. Then, cool, soak cotton swabs in them and why infused to moisturize the skin of the eyelid;
  • oil mask. Add half a teaspoon of castor oil and three drops essential oil, cinnamon, solution, vitamins A and E. apply to the skin using a cotton swab eye.

This masks, healthy skin care, facial lotions and toning lotions and:

  • Yesil tea. Yesil Brew strong tea, add a few leaves of mint. Allow to cool, rub and massage the face using a wet cotton swab and the source lines;
  • juice, parsley. Many women not only suffer from wrinkles, age spots but also perfect. One effective folk remedies to fight pigmentation – parsley juice. To cook lotion, you need to grind a bunch of fresh parsley ground beef thoroughly in a blender or juice with a few layers of tulle. Dilute the juice of half warm water and clean cotton cloth with the help of a face;
  • lemon. Helps to lighten pigment spots and improve skin tone lemon-kefir lotion. Mix one teaspoon lemon juice and a tablespoon of fresh yogurt. The obtained mixture soaked gauze or tissue for a frame, mask and apply it on your face.

For mature skin that requires a special regularity and thoroughness to face. A mask that provides a properly chosen regular maintenance of vehicle, proper nutrition, enough sleep, and walking outdoors – there is no collateral, youth and beauty, even mature skin.